Happy new year, Happy Holidays, Happy beginning of a new semester. Happy birthday to my roommate. There's a lot to be happy about right about now, well except that the SD card in my phone somehow became corrupted and it told me I had to reformat, then after an hour of fooling around with it and trying to scrounge up all the files I could to back up, it started working again in my phone. It's especially troubling that I'm an IT major, and I have no idea what's going on here. I have my assumptions, but that's all they'll amount to I assume.
It could be the Mobile Defense app I just installed, but no one else seems to have run into this problem. For those familiar with iPhone terminology, Mobile Defense is probably the equivalent of the "Find my iPhone" thing that some users subscribe to. It's worth mentioning that MD is in beta right now, and the service is currently free. Could be a little creepy if your significant other found out how to access it and track you everywhere you go, or anyone for that matter. Nonetheless it's still kinda cool.
Anyway enough monologue about quirky phone behavior, if you haven't signed up for classes already (at UNT), sign ups start again on January 7, so get your brains, calendars, eyes, and fingers ready, because my.unt.edu is the place to be thinking, planning, searching and clicking away to register for classes that day. I have one additional class to sign up for that day, as well as certain parents to be begging for money. (Dad if you're reading this that means you).
Engineer In Training... Almost :]
12 years ago