Today I watched a graduation ceremony.
I know what you're thinking. "Gee UNT has VERY LOW graduation numbers!" we-he-he-he-hell, you'll be surprised to know that these are not just any graduates. These are the Fall 2009 Master's Degree candidates for the University of North Texas! Among them are my co-workers (graduating) and supervisor (doctor, whom is present in the front with the black apparel). When I asked what my co-worker planned on doing after this, he mentioned he may go into Medical School and eventually get his Doctorate's Degree.
Being put among graduates, teachers, students, and an otherwise very competitive environment can be very liberating, as there is so much knowledge surrounding you, so much talent, and so much pressure. Being pressured to do well is a double edged sword. On one hand, of course you're going to strive to do your best, you're going to work those late nights and finish those 3 projects you have due rather than simply putting them off or telling yourself "I'll just do them next semester". In a world such as this, there's no time to put things off til next semester - it's now or never. Heck these students know what to expect in the world
Also, Wireless Woman contacted me. She sent me a link to her blog.