Thursday, July 19, 2012


I think I've made one too many Hello World posts...

Figured I'd re-purpose this old blog into a personal hodge-podge of tech opinions, rants, raves, and whatever else is interesting at the time being. I used to just blog about whatever I was doing at UNT. Well now I will blog about all sorts of random stuff. There may be some Android, there may be some product reviews, there may be some Denton life stuff, who knows?

In the mean time, here's a picture of my phone and all it's battery hogging goodness. I have 4 batteries for this phone. Interestingly enough, I've rarely had to swap out batteries. The Galaxy S3 is much better with its battery life than my old Epic 4G, or even worse, my HTC Hero *Shudders. But knowing that I have some backup battery life is some peace of mind worth having. I never really know if I'll be in Plano, Addison, Denton, Fort Worth... Being out and about so often really lends itself to this battery conundrum, which I've found carrying an extra battery in my man purse really helps alleviate.