Friday, February 26, 2010

Midnight Snack

Sometimes there's just not enough time in the day. In high school, I felt like there was too much time in the day. I'd spend 7-8 hours on campus at high school, and I was about ready to yank the hair off my head. There was also a notable amount of homework in high school, which added another hour or 2 onto the grand total amount of time I spent on school related things in high school.

Now try college. Community college was a step up from high school I guess, but in most cases was the same feeling. Drive to campus, listen to lectures, drive home, do homework, repeat.

UNT, however, is a game changer. Any 4 year school would be I imagine. I spend 24 hours of my day on campus and I still don't have enough time to do all my stuff it seems. From the moment the alarm sounds in the morning, it's go go go. And if there's anything I hate most, it's missing class. Sometimes I don't have enough time to even eat! Which is when this place comes in handy:

Eggs, OJ, steak tips, French Toast, Hash Browns?? There's only one joint in town that can provide me all this at 1 in the morning... Of course it's IHop! It's a 10 minute walk or 2 minute drive. The staff is funny and the food is always good and available. To be honest, I'm not sure how long the on campus cafeterias are open, but this place is open 24/7. There is one thing missing from this picture... and I'll bet you've already spotted it. Yes it's the pancakes. I always swap out the pancakes for the french toast.. You'll even notice some strawberry and grape jelly sitting to the side. Indeed that is for my french toast! Perhaps I could beg my parents for a gift card to IHop, because my roommate and I hit up this joint all the time!

Also, if you've ever mixed half n half with orange juice, I swear it tastes just like a Creamsicle.